Unlimited Wants and Limited Resources

Wants are desire for a thing with a feel of absence of it.  Wants are unlimited in nature because wants are recurring and frequently changing.  These wants are classified into three different types.
The Classification of wants: 1. Needs (Necessities) 2.  Comforts   and 3.   Luxuries 
Needs (necessities) are commodities or services essential for the survival of human being.  These necessities are further classified into three.  Necessaries of   a) existence, b) efficiency c) convention.  Comforts refer to a state of being comfortable (conditions in which somebody feels physically relaxed) but it is not necessary for human existence. Luxuries are highly non-essential items that are desirable for pleasure and not essential, and often highly expensive or hard to get.
These classifications are not always same.  Luxuries [e.g. air conditioners] of some place/ circumstances/country may be a comfort in another place/ circumstances/country  [e.g business houses or and necessity in another place/ circumstances/country. [e.g. hot Sahara deserts or cold polar regions]   
Resources are of three categories they are (1) Natural resources  (2) Human resources  and (3) Man-made resources.   (1) Natural resources are the raw materials that are extracted from earth and sea and it  is termed as “Land”. (2) Human resources are the mental and physical efforts of  human being. It is termed as “Labour”. (3) Man- made resource are the produced resources for further production.  It is also called as “capital”.  Those factors, its characteristics and its rewards are dealt in - Factors of production.  
These resources are also called as factors of production [material or foundation of production] According to the nature or characteristics  of the resource, except human resources [labour and entrepreneur] are called  goods and services   goods are  visible, materiel thing that satisfy some human wants.  e.g. Book, pen, chair, table  Services are  invisible, immaterial thing that satisfy some human wants. e.g. The services of a doctor, teacher, nurse, accountant. These goods and services are classified into various categories. 
There are different types of goods and services. The classification of goods are services are as follows.
Economic goods are scarce so that we have to pay a price for them.  The supply of it is less than the demand for it.  e.g. Land, Mineral.   
Free goods are found in such abundance that we need not pay a price for them.  The supply is infinite. e.g. sunshine, natural air.
Durable goods are those, which render their service for a long period of time, e.g. table, washing machine.
Non-durable (perishable) goods are those goods, which render their services for a short period of time e.g. vegetable, fruits. 
Consumer goods are those used for their own sake e.g. Clothes, fans.  
Producer’s goods are those used for the sake of producing other goods.  e.g.  Fishing boat, deep freezer, etc.
(The difference depends on who uses the good. A fan in the factory is a producer good and it is a consumer good when it is in a house.)
Transferable goods are those goods which could  be exchanged physically.
Non-transferable goods are the   personal qualities such as intelligence (internal to human being) and could not transfer physically.
Private goods are those goods which are owned by private individuals.
Public goods   are those goods which are owned by general public [so it is under the ownership of the government]  Public goods are characterised by  1) Non – rivalry  [consumption by one person does not mean  that they are not available to others]  2) non-excludability in consumption [ no person can be excluded from their consumption]. 
Merit goods are those which the government of a country thinks desirable for the welfare of the people.   Health and education are examples.
Demerit goods are those which the government of a country thinks  undesirable or disadvantageous for the welfare of the people. Tobacco and  intoxicating drugs are examples 

Human wants are unlimited and the resource to satisfy the wants are strictly limited is the basic economic problem.
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