Population pyramid

Population pyramid is the geometrical presentation of the age and sex structure of population of a country.

 When we compare the population structure of two countries - one should be a developed country and one a developing country, the nature of population trend over the last 30 to 40 years shows a similar pattern.  The figures given earlier show the average population structure of a developed and a under developed (or developing) country.

Developing countries generally tend to experience relatively rapid rates of growth of population; the possible effects of this for such countries are increased dependency, reduced per capita and standard of living. 

Features of a developed country’s population pyramid
Tall in height because of high aging population
Relatively narrow bottom because of low level of birth rate
Relatively broad  top  because of high life expectancy 

Features of a under developing country’s population pyramid
Short in height because of low level of aging population and high death rate
Very wide bottom because of high level of birth rate
Narrow top because of the very low level of life expectancy

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