Command Economic System

Command or Socialist economic systems are the system in which the state (government) determines the resource allocation. This economy functions on the command of the state.
 Features of Command or Socialist economic system.
1) Social ownership: The state owns and controls all    economic resources. 
2) Planned production: All productions take place according to a central plan. The planning authority draws up and executes all the plans. 
3) Production of social goods: All productions are to serve social welfare (not for profit). 
4) Controlled price:  The prices are controlled by the government (administered price).  5) Complete control of the state: Allocations of economic resources are also done according to the central plan.  
There are advantages for command economic system, they are; 
1) economic equality, 
2) reasonable use of resources, 
3) social interest, and 
4) planned development.

There are disadvantages also for command economic system, they are; 
1) lack of choices, 
2) lack of modern technology, 
3) lack of competition  and 
4) monopoly decision of government.
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