Location of Industry

Location of industry is the most important decision to be taken before setting up of a business or expansion of an existing business.
Different locations are suitable for different firms due to different reason. Since they are affecting the firms cost of production it is considered as an important decision of the entrepreneur.
There are many factors which influence the firm’s choice of location.
a) Availability of cheap land: - It is the most important influence on the choice of location.  Some firms take advantages of natural factors available [Such as oil refinery require land near oil field, ship building near water ways and so on]
b) Access to raw materials: - Some industries process heavy, bulky raw materials which are costly to transport, but the products generally weigh much less than the raw materials.
c) Transport facilities: -   Many firms assemble finished products from parts and components manufactured by several different firms located in different parts of the country. So transport links play a great part in choosing the location of the firm most of the firms chose to locate 
d) Nearness to market: - A location near the major markets will reduce the cost of transporting the product.  Products which are heavy or bulky in relation to their value will also tend to be produced near to their market in order to reduce the cost [brewing, brick making, etc.]
e) Nearness to supply of labour: - Firms are interested to locate to an area where there is surplus supply of labour, which will in turn affect the costs of labour [Although trade unions negotiate national wage rate, there will be significant differences in the average earnings in different regions.]
f) Nearness to other firms (Regional specialisation):- when firms producing same or similar products are localised, each can enjoy the advantages of external economies of scale which is also known as economies of concentration. [Well known examples are ship building at Belfast, cotton industry at Lancashire and steel at Sheffield in U K.] 
g) Supply of power: -     Now a day’s firms locate an area where electricity, gas and oil [In the early days coal was the main source of energy and firms locate near coal fields]
h) Favourite place: - Certain locations are preferred by the entrepreneurs for their personal reasons. 
i) Factors affected by other people, firms and government: - Government’s influence on location of industries either because of public or of other firms is another factor which influences the location.
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