Direct and Indirect Tax

Taxes are collected by government department.  Taxation will vary greatly between different countries,   how they differ, such as the distinction between direct taxes on income and indirect taxes on expenditure.
The direct taxes are taxes levied on income and capital. It is paid directly by the tax payer to the government.   The burden of direct taxes is borne by the person or company responsible for paying the taxes.  

There are different types of direct taxes
1) Personal income tax is calculated on the gross income after deducting the tax allowances [Gross income – Allowances = Taxable income]. 
2) Corporation taxes are tax levied on the profits of all companies after deducting allowances such as interests on loans and depreciation of capital. 
3) Capital gains tax is the tax levied on the increase in the value of certain assets between the time of their purchase and the time of their sale. [There are exemptions for personal private residence, private motor cars, and amount earned from gambling and capital gains on government securities.] 
4) Inheritance tax is a tax applied to all gifts of wealth above some given value [transfer of wealth made on death] 

Indirect taxes are taxes paid in the form of higher price indirectly through some others (Sellers, distributors or manufacturers) to the government. In this taxation   incidence is with the tax payer and its impact is passed on to another in the form of higher prices (such as sales tax). 
There are different types of indirect taxes
The  main  indirect  taxes  consists  of  1) excise duties on  home produced goods and services, ii) Customs duties on goods imported from abroad, iii) value added tax and  iv) protective or import duties. vi) Miscellaneous license fees  
In this kind of tax, the taxpayer (manufacturers or distributors) may pass on the burden of tax to some other person (consumers) as higher prices. 
Customs duties are collected by the customs department on goods imported from abroad and they are indirect taxes
Excise duties are derived from three sources a) tobacco, b) alcoholic drinks c) hydrocarbon oil, and d) betting and gaming (a proportional tax for pool betting and license fee for casino gambling, and gambling machines)   
Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on consumption levied whenever the value of goods and services increases as they change hands in the course of production, distribution, and final sale to the consumer. Value added means the increase in the value of a product or service at each stage of its manufacture, or distribution. (In UK car tax is a special tax levied on motor cars in addition to VAT)
Protective duties are levied on imports of goods from other countries. (The rate of duty applicable varies for different countries.)
Miscellaneous license fees are obtained from the issue of a variety of licenses.
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