Types of Unemployment

There are different types of unemployment.  They are categorized in a number of ways, they are 1) Frictional unemployment 1a) search unemployment 1b) casual unemployment, 2) Structural unemployment 2a) regional unemployment 2b) technological unemployment, 2c) international unemployment, 3) residual unemployment, 4) seasonal unemployment, 5 Cyclical unemployment.
1) Frictional unemployment. This arises from immobility in the labour force.  People remain unemployed either a) they do not want to move to other parts of the country (geographically immobile)   or   b) do not have sufficient skills (occupationally immobile)
1a) Search unemployment.   This is a form of frictional unemployment.  It occurs when people do not take the first offered job to search for better paid job.
1b) Casual unemployment.   This is also a form of frictional unemployment.  There are certain groups of people who are out of work between periods of employment such as opera singers, actors and so on.
2) Structural unemployment. This unemployment arises from a fundamental change in the structure of industry [such as decline of coal mine in UK]
2a) Regional unemployment. This is related to structural unemployment. It arises when the declining industry is concentrated in one area.  The region dependent upon that industry may suffer heavily due to the decline in the income generated by that industry.   
2b) Technological unemployment.  This is also related to structural unemployment.  It arises when an new technology is introduced [such as ATM and other cash & credit cards have reduced the number bank clerks]
2c) International unemployment. It is also related to structural unemployment.  It arises when workers lose their jobs due to a fall in demand for domestically produced goods.
3) Residual unemployment.  This unemployment arises when people find it difficult or impossible to cope with the demands of modern production method and the disciplines of organized work.
4) Seasonal unemployment.  This occurs in the industries which experience remarkable seasonal patterns of demand. Unemployment in Maldivian tourism industry is an example for this.
5) Cyclical unemployment.   This is also referred to as demand deficiency unemployment.  It arises due to inadequate demand. [The aggregate expenditure is insufficient to achieve full employment and hence unemployment.]
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