Public Sector Business Organisations

Public sector is the sector is the sector of the economy where all the factors of are owned by the government.  Public sector business units may be run by central government, local government authorities, or specially appointed agencies.
The different types of public sector enterprises are;
1)  Government trading – central government or local government authorities carries out trading activities under the direct control of a government department. 
2) Government as shareholder – The government holds shares in some limited companies.  This may be because of the long standing interest in the development of that industry or   to help some reputed firms to survive. Occasionally, government setup limited company under its sole ownership.
3)  Public corporation – An organization owned and controlled by the government but run by a board of directors.
4)  Municipal enterprises – An organization owned and controlled by the governments local body like island office or atoll office administration.
A public corporation is different from a public limited company because of the following reasons. A public corporation is state owned/in the public sector whereas a public limited company is owned by individuals/in the private sector. .A public limited company has shareholders whereas a public corporation does not and the government owns it. A public corporation seeks to provide a service/work in the public interest whereas a public limited company aims to maximise profit. 

Public corporation – An organization owned and controlled by the government but run by a board of directors.
The major features of public corporation are; 
1) It has a separate legal entity (person). 
2) It is owned by government.
3) Managed by a board of directors. 
4) A financial report regarding the performance should be submitted to the government.
5) Normally motivated by welfare of the public and operate at profit maximization.

The day-to-day management of a public corporation is theoretically free from government interference. The control of public corporation is exercised in several ways.  
1) Each public corporation must publish its accounts annually and it is verified by the public accounts committee of the parliament. 
2) A select committee of the parliament has powers to make general investigation into the affairs. 
3) A provision of annual debate in parliament on the affairs of each corporation. 
4) For a more continuous control is exercised by appointment of a government minister.
5) Monopolies and Mergers commission also look into the activities that whether they behave against the public interest.

There are two groups of public corporations 
1) Produce and sell goods or service directly to the public, charging each customer for what is used.
2) Provide a service but do not charge for it directly from consumers.

Public corporations raise their capital from a variety of sources.
1) The corporation used to issue their own securities (Bond) to the public.
2) Treasury issue Gilt edged securities to finance corporations.
3)  Some corporations have been allowed to raise finance from their foreign trading partners.

There are many benefits to the general public from the public corporation.
1) Industries that are essential to an economic system can be kept going as public corporation even if they are not profitable.
2) Factors other than profits such as social security cost, public welfare etc., can be taken into consideration.
3) Government ownership can avoid the wasteful competition.
4) If any profits are made, government can use it for other general purpose.   
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